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Pickett Mountain Pond is a 173 acre pond in the Rockabema Lake Watershed and the headwaters of the Mattawamkeag and Penobscot Rivers.  It is Critical Habitat for the endangered Atlantic Salmon, it flows into some of the best State Heritage Waters for the Eastern Brook Trout, and it is designated high-quality Inland Waterfowl and Wading Bird Habitat.  Located just a few miles outside of Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument, and in the shadow of Mt. Chase, this beautiful pond has provided food, recreation, relaxation, and solace for countless generations.  The Friends of Pickett Mountain Pond was founded to encourage appreciation for, and maintenance of its unique natural values.  We hope you enjoy your time on this website, and hope you are able to enjoy the pond, its beautiful environs, and the communities of wonderful people nearby!

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Friends of Pickett Mountain Pond

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